Client Resources

UC-Green's mission is to build lasting relationships with our clients. We will use our knowledge and experience in the telecom industry to give our clients advice they can trust. We shall endeavor to provide our service in a comprehensive and cost-competitive manner, while providing "world class" customer care.

Top 10 Telecom Billing Mistakes
........found by Telecom Bill Auditors:

  1. Incorrect billing of "Surcharges" (i.e. PLC, SLC, FUSF etc)
  2. Term & volume discounts not applied properly
  3. Billing for services that have been disconnected
  4. Improper long distance carrier selection
  5. Excessive Port &/or PVC's on Frame & MPLS networks
  6. Incorrect mileage charges on private line and FX services
  7. Cramming - 3rd party billing of services not authorized
  8. Paying for services no longer needed
  9. Using measured services instead of flat rate services
  10. Install charges billed in error

Take the time to check your bills or hire someone to do it for you. These billing mistakes tend to go undetected for years. Most carriers have a statute of limitations of 2 years on refunds. Every month you wait, you may be letting money go down the drain.